Explore the profile of microbial communities.

The expansion of NGS technology is accelerating in all directions with ever increasing variety of applications. In few application areas are samples and data more complex than when exploring the intricate world of microbial communities and their interplay with seemingly all aspects of life. 

Now you can explore the composition of microbial communities and identify profiles that are indicative of patient health, changing yields of agricultural crops or livestock, or of the emergence of public health threats.

CLC Microbial Genomics Module (MGM)

Supported Features:

The module extends the range of supported NGS applications with tools to study microbiome composition based on 16S rRNA- and other commonly used metagenome derived amplicon data.

  • Microbiome Analysis via OTU-clustering of 16S rRNA or other amplicon data.
  • OTU-clustering and taxonomic annotation using common reference databases such as Greengenes, Silva and UNITE.
  • Stacked and area charts and zoomable sunburst diagrams to explore and compare the taxonomic composition of samples, or sample groups.
  • A range of statistical tools, for instance to reveal differential abundance of OTUs, estimation of alpha- and beta diversities, or to carry out PERMANOVA analysis. Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) results can be explored in 3D in the context of the sample metadata.
  • Compatible also with T-RFLP data

  • data from single read libraries
  • paired read data strictly from libraries with overlapping paired reads.

The platform supports data from Illumina, 454, Ion Torrent and Sanger instruments.

Download your MGM Trial now


Here are some additional MGM resources

to make the most of your trial.


The MGM plugin manual

The MGM quick guide

The MGM tutorial

If you have any questions regarding the MGM please contact us

QIAGEN Bioinformatics - Sample to Insight

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