How common is an observed genetic allele in the population?

Simple question, but no simple answers.  This is the challenge for all clinical geneticists and translational researchers alike.  Current human allele frequency information is simply inadequate for accurate clinical interpretation sequence based tests and rare disease causal variant identification.


What if allele frequencies were readily available for every position in the human genome?

This is a community-based effort to address this need.  Registered community members have access to anonymous, pooled allele frequencies computed from across the whole community.  All community data is safe, secure and anonymous.

Register and become an Allele Frequency Community member.

Welcome to The Allele Frequency Community

The Allele Frequency Community is a freely accessible “opt-in” community resource designed to facilitate sharing of anonymized, pooled allele frequency statistics among laboratories for the benefit of patients and biomedical research.  Joining the community is free.  Once you join, your NGS samples can be richly annotated with allele frequency information from the entire Community.  Non-personally identifiable statistics from community members’ samples are used to expand the diversity of the database over time.

QIAGEN QIAGEN Bioinformatics - Sample to Insight

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